Hello world!

Well! I finally erased all the randomness on my homepage. Soon I hope to present to you a newer and randomer homepage...but in the meantime, I'd like to refer you to several wonderful pages that actually have stuff on them!

First off: I guess eventually I will put links to bands that I like, even though that's so trite it's sort of pitiful. For now, feast your eyes on this list of bands we may only dream of.

Meet my roommate Tenny , whose page is a lot like mine but we made them independently (besides, I'm changing mine soon). Also check out Lup, a.k.a. Okada Boy (just kidding, Lup!). AND--get a load of Malachi.

Hey--have you heard about the guy at MIT who wears a video camera on his head and transmits pictures from it all the time to his Web page? How cool is that? (Way cool, that's how.) Anyway, click here to see the world from his point of view.

Really makes ya wanna hop on over to MIT, doesn't it?

Still ain't seen enough? There's one more maniac with whom I've occasionally been associated: Pius.

If you're wondering what I do and where I do it, I live, study (heh heh), eat, sleep, party, and do crossword puzzles in the one and only Enchanted Broccoli Forest. I am the Financial Manager there. Big time stuff!

Come back soon to see a NEWER, BETTER page! And don't forget to join the Line Around the World!


This is the Line Around the World. It's an effort to get people all around this beautiful planet of ours to be nice to each other. And while we're at it, we might as well meet other great people on the World Wide Web. The way it works is this: A list is being kept, in exact order, of people who've registered to be part of this line. Each person connects to the people in front and in back of her/him on that list, forming one long line around the internet But the great part is that all the people who include themselves in this line are honor-bound to go out of their way to perform an act of goodness. This could be anything from giving 5 dollars or more to the charity of your choice to making lunch for the homeless man out on the corner to complimenting everyone you meet for a month. It's different for different people, but all these people want to do something to make life happier and better. If you might like to join, simply click on the curly line for more information.


"you are as close to me as my own appendage."

--andrea frances chang.

my email address is moim@leland.stanford.edu

my phone number till June '96 is (415) 497-1893